Our tissue bank
The largest tissue bank and first purpose built centre for tissue donation in the UK
Our state of the art tissue bank is a major step forward in the donation of human tissue. Historically, tissues have been obtained from deceased donors in mortuaries. However the donation process can now be carried out in a high grade facility built to the same standards as an operating theatre.
We collect and store tissues such as skin, bone and tendons for hospitals across the UK.
Donated tissue is transferred directly to clean rooms to be prepared for transplantation or stored pending clinical requirement. While this is taking place, medical teams get further information about the donors from relatives and doctors to ensure the tissue is safe for transplantation.
Scientists working at the site provide support to hospitals throughout the North West of England, including antenatal testing, blood grouping and antibody screening.
Other services based at the site include:
- The National Frozen Blood Bank, which provides stocks of rare blood for patients from all over the world
- The preparation of 'artificial tears' for patients with severe dry eye problems, which are prepared from their own blood
- The centre is also the base for blood collection in the region and issues blood to local hospitals
Our address is:
NHS Blood and Transplant
Tissue and Eye Services
Estuary Commerce Park
14 Estuary Banks
Liverpool L24 8RB
Order products
Call us on:
0300 0200 133
Option 1 Serum Eye Drops
Option 2 Ocular
Option 3 Heart Valves
Option 4 Tissue
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